For more than a decade, tracekey, as a serialization provider, has been supporting pharmaceutical SMEs in implementing regulatory requirements worldwide. A lot has happened since the company was founded. New services have been developed, new experts have been hired, and structures have been adapted continuously. What has always prevailed: agile working. What is new in the meantime: New solutions and offerings for the pharmaceutical industry, but also for medical technology manufacturers.
Our first customers required a lot of project management. Both tracekey, as a serialization provider, and the pharmaceutical companies had to deal with the requirements of the EU FMD and other regulations in a completely new way. Therefore, questions arose such as: Which process is best suited to bring the companies into our system? How much capacity does that bundle on our side and our customers’ side? We also quickly came to the question: what additional services can we offer our customers so that they can concentrate on their core activity, the manufacture of pharmaceuticals?
Growing Portfolio
In this way, we have continued to grow in recent years. New services such as alert management, business process outsourcing (TKSM), and partner offerings such as our Level 3 system help ensure that our customers feel they are receiving the best possible support.
From offering a SaaS for the pharmaceutical industry that is as compact and easy to use as possible, we have now evolved into a modular offering that not only covers regulations in Europe but also provides compliance in Russia, the Middle East, or China. Our customers benefit from our many years of experience, which makes it easy for us to develop new services based on the needs of the industry and our customers. For example, the medical technology industry. To make progress in various fields, we rely on our team. They must constantly learn, adjust, and adapt their working methods. The fact that we have been able to accomplish this for over ten years and that many team members have been with us since the company’s inception or for extended periods demonstrates our ability to work together effectively.
New services – new employees
Teams change over time. Our long-time employees are always ready and willing to take on new tasks, whether it’s data protection or building and supporting new virtual machines. They are experts in their field and provide the best service possible. Additional people are hired to bring skills to the team that were previously missing, and others leave to take on tasks in other teams. The teams always benefit from our agile organization and the openness of everyone to maintain profitable processes but also to change what is unnecessary or outdated.
Finding appropriate candidates for open positions is a constant challenge. A candidate with a suitable CV for a job posting does not mean that the role is optimally filled. Hiring the right person for the team, the task, and the organizational structure requires intuition and a good knowledge of human nature. Both on the tracekey side and on the side of the applicants. Of course, this is the same for all companies. Nevertheless, for tracekey as a serialization provider, it is always exciting to look for new people for new roles and ultimately to find them.
Always growing?
A company is constantly developing, so of course it has to grow in terms of personnel. However, we don’t want to grow bigger and bigger at any price. We see moderate growth, especially in terms of personnel, as a sensible way to achieve our corporate goals. That’s why
– we regularly evaluate the needs of the individual teams,
– we first look internally to see whether and how new areas of responsibility can be covered
– we develop new services with the involvement of all the teams concerned.
In this way, we also avoid unnecessarily inflating our teams. By taking a lean approach, we can promote effective collaboration and ensure the successful achievement of our goals.
If you want to learn more about our company these links might interest you:
- Campaign against discrimination
- Baby Boom at tracekey
- One Week in the Life of our Scrum Master
- Digital Teamwork: How We Work With Our Customers and Internally