Interdisciplinary Collaboration at tracekey

Zusammenarbeit/Joint work

At tracekey, all departments are interconnected and work together towards many goals. Our workflows not only involve daily exchanges within our teams about current developments. In various configurations and meetings, all teams keep each other updated on the status of software development, new market developments, customer requests, and current marketing campaigns. None of our departments […]

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Work-Life Balance at tracekey: How We Support Our Employees

Work life balance at tracekey

Work-life balance refers to a harmonious balance between professional obligations and personal life. Achieving this balance is a challenge for all employees, but it is especially important for families and individuals who have caregiving responsibilities in addition to their work. The ability to successfully combine work, family obligations, and personal life is crucial for the […]

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We are part of the “Besser miteinander!” campaign against discrimination

tracekey besser miteinander Kampagne, Bochum

Our two managing directors Stefan Hoffmann and Gerald Wenzel have signed the charter of the Bochum campaign “Besser miteinander!” (Better together!). In doing so, tracekey solutions is actively taking a stand against discrimination in the workplace. On 24.05.2024, tracekey signed the charter “Besser miteinander! Bochum employers against discrimination in the workplace”. The campaign was initiated […]

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