Track-and-Trace in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, work has been underway since 2015 to make medicines safer and prevent counterfeiting through serialization. Unlike in Europe (end-to-end), a complete track-and-trace system will be introduced. Designation: Drug Track and Trace System for Pharmaceutical Products (RSD) Competent authority: Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) Products: All medicines for humans and animals Code […]

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Pharma Serialization Regulations of the UAE: Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi track and trace pharma

In Abu Dhabi, medicines must be serialized since the beginning of 2022. The Arab Emirates (UAE) are gradually implementing pharma serialization regulations. Competent authority: Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHaP), UAE Products: all pharmaceutical products listed with the Department for Health as approved drugs Code type: GS1 Data Matrix Aggregation: Required starting January 2023 Despite cooperation on this point, […]

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Pharma Serialization in Brazil

As one of the biggest economies in Latin America, Brazil is joining numerous other countries to mandate serialization in its pharmaceutical supply chain. The implementation of the regulations ensures the tracking of every event along the supply chain, where all supply chain members must be involved in the entire process. Also, these sets of requirements […]

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WBDL: How Does Our Solution Differ?

Consolidated shipment data can be implemented in different ways. This is partly because there are no comprehensive standards that providers have to comply with. How does the cloud platform mytracekey HospitalDirect differ from other possible solutions for offering digital data delivery? There are different approaches for the offer of consolidated shipment data (German: WBDL). In […]

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Update: Serialization in Russia

Since 1st July 2020, Russian Federal Law No. 425-FZ (Decree No. 1556) must be officially implemented by pharmaceutical manufacturers. Shortly before the deadline, the pharmaceutical industry tried to obtain a postponement. The new legislation, which will gradually be extended to include clothing, tobacco, and perfume, among others, is intended to prevent counterfeit medicines and black-market […]

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WBDL – What is the status?

WBDL sind Wettbewerbsvorteil bei den kommenden Tendern.

Although the purchasing associations of hospitals now classify the consolidated shipment data delivery (German: WBDL) as a quality criterion for the pharmaceutical companies, many manufacturers do not yet offer a shipment data service for hospitals. There are currently no official figures. According to our own estimates,  about 13 pharmaceutical companies currently offer the delivery of […]

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