A partner for the whole industry
We connect producers, production partners, and authorities. Our network includes pharmaceutical companies, contract manufacturers, repackagers, and parallel importers.
We work with passion and diligence on the development of our products and the continuous optimization of our services; an approach that our customers appreciate. We asked our customers how satisfied they are with tracekey. Click here for the evaluation:
Success Story: About the successful switch from Macure to us as a serialization provider
Success Story: About the fast serialization provider switch of Mensana
Success Story: Our collaboration with Dolorgiet/Dr. Theiss Naturwaren for Russia Serialization
Success Story: Four new markets in three month. Serialization for Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and UAE
Case Study: Our collaboration with Stegemann and Mettler Toledo for pharma serialization (L3-L4)
Our customers about tracekey